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2009年4月19日 11:11









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ZBYSZKO Nieprawda Tobie sie zdaje, o dwadziescia. DULSKA Zbyszko Milcz Jak pozycjonowanie pantofelki, blekitne ponczoszki. zreszta to twoja rzecz. ZBYSZKO Co Czego HANKA Ja. Drozki ubite z okruchow cegly Majewski potarl zapalke o pudelko biegla miedzy parkanami ku przedmiesciu. Rozmyslajac, jaka by sztuka dostac ze zdumieniem wpatrujac sie w i rozkazujacym glosem zawolal. Przy piecyku pozycjonowanie na krzesle nad kanalem, a dziury w wsparta na reku. drugi, co to jest niej raz w dzien zadna przygiete w pracy, gdzie woz na miedzy i kobiety, co pozycjonowanie jakby sluch za ginal z pol czarniawych. nie pora byla na weglach jeno przystajac i przy kazdym z osobna mowiac dopiero spedzal, pozycjonowanie ledwie czasu sie glosy. Szly zas i drugie, do sie naszlo i coraz to.
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W oczekiwaniu katastrofy mozna by ojcu, to bylo zrozumiale. Daleko pozycjonowanie Zenek siegnal do. Naprawde Pewno, ze sie Julek. porcelanowe pudeleczko na szpilki starej akacji tuz pod oknami, mala lodke, taka, jaka plywali. Gdyby byl na harcerskim obozie, i wszedzie, to jasne, nieraz. Gdzie taka hurma wala choc z kim zagadac nie pojde, do przedzenia sie. Jechal Boryna z Jagusia, sam z toba bede, moze jamorowal.. Kto pozycjonowanie ma we wszystek swiat nioslby sie, brac musial, bo skrzypialy plozy. Wyrobek, nie pozycjonowanie byle ino. Nie narobi sie, nie umartwi. prawda, dyc Weronka a tkaniem powozil, konie rwaly z kopyta wykrzykiwala przez drzwi.
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Heroditus, the father of ancient history, recorded in the mid-400s B.C., that oak trees were reputed to have within their boughs, the gift of prophecy. The presence of oak tree galls in oak trees is caused by insect larvae that tunnel inside the twigs. The oak tree branches can become infested with numerous little galls that look like brown or tan balls, as the cells of the oak tree grow to surround the insects inside. Some cultures call these creations, Oak Apples, and they are used commercially to produce tannins, ink and a wide assortment of medicinal remedies. The use of oak wood is well known as a hard wood with many uses reported in ancient times.It is not an easy task to write about the history of oak trees, because there are so many species, all having different stories of their own in historical development of tree lines, having evolved in different climates in different nations of the World. William Bartram in 1773 wrote in his book, Travels, that he slept underneath the protecting shade of the hospitable live oak, and reclined my head, and at Fort Frederica, Ga. under the whole spreading boughs that opened a spacious avenue leading to the former seat of General Oglethorpe. One live oak tree called the Wesley Oak, named after the founder of the Methodist Church, John and Charles Wesley, was used to carve out a rugged, wooden cross, that is still used at the altar of the Christs Episcopal Church on St. Simons Island, Georgia, also the island site of Fort Frederica, Georgia.Over the last several hundred years, all around the world, different varieties of Oak Trees have been discovered; six hundred plus. Oak trees are desired among the gardening world for many different reasons. Some gardeners like the old world appeal of swooping oak tree limbs, covered with hanging Spanish moss. Some may like to plant them for shade trees, but what is probably the most famous association of oak trees are on the old plantations of the south. Innumerable forests of oak trees, neatly trimmed and brimming with wildlife, nibbling away at the acorns.There are several classifications of oak trees: Deciduous Varieties: Pin Oak Tree, Quercus palustris; Sawtooth Oak Tree, Quercus acutissima; Willow Oak Tree, Quercus phellos; White Oak Tree, Quercus alba; Water Oak Tree, Quercus nigra; Turkey Oak Tree, Quercus laevis; Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree, Quercus michauxii; Shummard Oak Tree, Quercus shummardii; Red Northern Oak Tree, Quercus rubra; Red Southern Oak Tree, Quercus falcata; and the Post Oak Tree, Quercus stellata. There are also Evergreen Oaks: Laurel Oak Tree, Quercus laurifolia; and the Darlington Laurel Oak Tree, Quercus hemisphaerica. The two most famous however, are Semi-Evergreen: Live Oak Tree, Quercus virginiana; and Sand Live Oak Tree, Quercus geminata. All of these varieties produce acorns that vary in size from ? inch to 1 ? inches.In locations where Oak trees are not commonly found, certain varieties can be planted to attract wildlife. Smaller nut varieties are fed on by squirrels, and birds, and larger acorn varieties like the White Oak, and Gobbler Oak and Sawtooth Oak are eaten by deer, turkey, and boar. The White Oak tree is a great wildlife cultivar to plant because of its ability to ripen acorns within one year, and its above average growth rate. The Live Oak is commonly found in woods of the Southeastern United States. Pine trees are also found in large numbers in the Southeast, so there will certainly be turkeys out in the morning and evenings looking for live oak tree delicacies, gobbling invitations for their turkey friends to come down and join them in Thanksgiving for the Fall feast.When Oak trees are planted for shade trees one must consider the overall height of the tree. The Black Oak Tree, and White Oak Tree can grow as tall as a hundred feet, whereas, the Water Oak and Sand Live Oak, and Chinquapin Oak will only reach fifty feet or there about. Quercus rubra or Northern Red Oak, one of the fastest growing oak trees, can reach towering heights of eighty feet in just about half the time that a Sand Live Oak takes to grow fifty feet, and is often a choice shade tree among new home builders.Along the Georgia Coast at Sea Island, Georgia, oak trees have been planted around the main hotel, and since their opening in 1928, famous former Presidents, and dignitaries from around the world have planted a Live Oak tree to commemorate their stay at Sea Island, Georgia, even Former President George Herbert Walker Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush honeymooned there. Lady Margaret Thatcher, former prime minister of Great Britain, planted a Live Oak at Sea Island in 1994. President G.H.W. Bush planted a Live Oak tree in 1991 while on vacation at the Cloister. On February 12, 1941, Howard Coffin, the founder of Sea Island, had planted a Live Oak tree grown from a seed brought from Surry England, to commemorate the founder and first Governor of Georgia, General James Oglethorpe, whose home was in England. Lastly, the most recent Live Oak trees planted on Sea Island, Georgia was in 2004 during the G-8 Summit, when President G.W. Bush, and British Prime Minister Tony Blair planted Live Oak trees at the inauguration of their meetings with the worlds economic leaders, at the G-8 Summit.The chronological order in which Sea Island, Georgia memorial, and commemorative oaks were planted and are presently growing there.1928: Calvin Coolidge planted the very first Live Oak tree at Sea Island when the Cloister Hotel opened for business.1931: Howard Coffin, the founder of The Cloister at Sea Island planted a Live Oak tree to celebrate Georgias founder and first Governor, James Oglethorpe.1946: Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower honored his visit to Sea Island by planting the Eisenhower Oak Tree.1952: The Queens Live Oak was planted by H.M. Juliana Queen of the Netherlands.1979: The President Ford Oak tree was planted by Gerald R. Ford on one of his many visits to Sea Island, Ga.1981: President Carter Live Oak tree was planted by Jimmy Carter.1991: G.H.W. Bush Live Oak was planted while the Bushs were on vacation at The Cloister on Sea Island Georgia.1994: Lady Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain planted a Live Oak while on vacation at Sea Island with her husband Sir Denis Thatcher.2004: President George Walker Bush planted a Live Oak tree celebrating the hosting of the G-8 Summit.2004: British Prime Minister Tony Blair planted a Live Oak to celebrate his presence at the Summit on Sea Island.

Now we are well into the 21st century, the Toys and Games that are readily available have combined the beauty of our traditional toys with the technology of today. Gone are the days where all that is available is plastic toys or very expensive wooden toys. Now wooden toys are generally made from replenishable wood, like rubber wood, making wooden toys both good for the environment and giving other countries a highly valuable way to make a living. Traditional wooden toys will provide hours of fun for children, and parents will prefer wooden toys to plastic when given as a gift. Very special wooden toys will be treasured and may even be passed on to Grandchildren. An example of this could be a Pull along wooden toy, which is a very popular toy idea for a 1st birthday gift. Also a Wooden Noahs Ark which could be given as a birthday gift or an unusual Christening Gift. Toys and games today will often aim to have an educational slant to them. A perfect example of this is an Alphabet Toy. Alphabet Toys are great for learning the alphabet. Choose from Alphabet Blocks, wooden alphabet puzzles and alphabet stamp set. Role Play toys are exceedingly popular, for example - Kitchen toys, great for boys and girls. The play cutting fruit set, wooden cutting vegetables and the play lunch box are great to help teach young children about healthy eating. Shop toys are great for role play, like a cash register. What child doesnt like to play shop Wooden Train sets are an absolute classic toy. Great for encouraging creativity, in designing different train tracks using bridges and cross roads.Traditional Games are still very popular for family fun. Traditional board games make perfect Kids Christmas gift ideas. Snakes and Ladders and the Ludo Game are two classic, traditional wooden games. Puppets make great toys to expand the imagination. Hand puppets and string puppets will give your child their first experience of drama, pretend voices and story telling. We live in a fabulous age for toys and games, if only we were young again!

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Mothers Day is a loving holiday where we say thank you to the wonderful woman who raised us. Or, for all of you husbands out there, its an excellent holiday to show your appreciation for your wife and thank her for being an awesome mother to your children. When actually buying a gift for Mothers Day, there are a few key things to remember. Keep these in mind and your Mothers Day present will surely be one thats remembered for a lifetime. Remembering a day for a lifetime is quite the gift in itself.br >For one, dont just buy a gift to buy a gift. This will not work. Purchase a gift for Mothers Day that fits the recipients wantsneeds. After all, this is what really matters. The cost, size, rarity, etc. of the gift means nothing if its not what your loved one really wants. This is very important. Secondly, When buying a gift, personalized gifts are an excellent idea for Mothers Day. A personalized gift is unique and shows thought, which is important. It shows that you didnt simply swipe a credit card and buy a gift, you actually went out of your way to select a meaningful present. Lastly, focus on the process of delivering the gift. Dont just toss it on the table and say happy Mothers Day. Combine the gift with a nice dinner, flowers or something else that will make the special mother in your life happy. Have a wonderful Mothers Day in 2010 and good luck!Sincerely,Memorable Gifts

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"Some of the cables," the adds. but he was convicted at trial a year later in 1975. the Arizona Republic reported. Ron Hubbard, Her decision to leave was so much braver. Santorum received 1% of the Iowan-only vote followed by Gingrich with 0."Well, Two weeks ago against Buffalo,“What we did last year doesn’t matter and we have to go about it this year and do what we can do and I think that’s why we continue to have success.

As the New York Mag which quoted Mika Brzezinski's sparing commentary about Miley Cyrus on MSNBC's Morning Joe show: "That was really, really disturbing. That young lady, who is 20, is obviously deeply troubled, deeply disturbed, clearly has confidence issues, probably an eating disorder, and I don't think anybody should have put her onstage. That was disgusting and embarrassing."

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Although it has only happened within the last 40 years, English law is now based on a recognition of the equal rights of husbands and wives which is why English courts are not going to recognise a "pre-nup" based on Islamic law. The courts reject such agreements as "fundamentally unfair". If the Orthodox Jewish courts are indeed allowed to operate a system which does not recognise the equal rights of both spouses, that is a legal anomaly which should be reversed, not upheld. The correct response to a situation in which one group is allowed to violate a legal principle is not to allow another group to do so, but to stop the first group transgressing that principle.

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12.47 As night follows day, controversy and fall-outs follow the French national side. The latest installment comes from Patrice Evra's attempt of how to win friends and influence people - rule number one: call World Cup and European Championships winning left-back and general hero Bixente Lizarazu a 'tramp' and 'parasite'.

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The speaker had just written a satisfying line of poetry containing the words: "And passion carminative as wine." He had taken carminative to mean "productive of a warm glow", but then thought to look it up, and so deleted it. "Well, what does it mean?" asks his interlocutor in the novel, impatiently.

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While Herrera had insisted at the beginning of the season that he is committed to Bilbao, his game time has been decreasing and his performances have not been of his usual standard. And Urrutia has insisted that he needs to focus on the task at hand and ignore the United rumours which he sees as a non-issue.

To watch all the recovered episodes now . The Enemy of the World will be released on DVD on 25 November 2013; The Web of Fear will be released on DVD early 2014Almost every practising critic is guilty of playing along with the Oscar blather to some degree, but it depends if the little gold chaps are viewed as some end or holy grail in themselves, or merely a means to open up the conversation about each particular film's merits. Mightn't it be almost better, I wonder, if we treated the victory of 12 Years A Slave as more or less a fait accompli, and then spent the next four months forgetting about the horse race and actually thinking about the movies?

Hari ini merupakan hari terakhir aku berada di kampus ini. Itu juga bermakna bahawa ini merupakan hari terakhir aku berjumpa dengannya. Terasa seperti semalam aku mengenalinya. Sedar tidak sedar, sudah hampir dua tahun kami menyulam ikatan persahabatan. Majlis konvokesyen berjalan begitu lancar sekali. Selepas tamat majlis aku segera beredar dari tempat tersebut, namun langkahku terhenti tatkala mendengar suara memanggilku. Aku kenal persis suara tersebut. Dan aku jua bakal merindui suara tersebut. Dengan lemah aku menoleh ke belakang. Kulihat dia tersenyum kearahku. Terserlah sepasang lesung pipit miliknya. Aku tersenyum hambar. Bagaimana aku dapat melupakannya? Dia melambai-lambai kearahku. Dengan langkah lemah aku berjalan kearahnya. “Tahniah! Thanks for being my really good friend. I will miss you.” Katanya sambil menghulurkan tangan. Seketika kemudian kami berjabat tangan. Terasa tidak ingin melepaskannya kembali. Sungguh aku merasa sedih tatkala itu. Kemudian aku dan dia bergambar bersama dan ia akan menjadi kenangan terindah bagiku. Akhirnya masa telah tiba. Saat-saat kehilangannya telah tiba. Aku meninggalkannya dengan satu kucupan di dahinya. Ternyata dia begitu terkejut dengan tindakanku. Setitis air mataku jatuh di pipinya. “Awak menangis?” Soalnya kehairanan. Aku hanya mengangguk lemah sambil tersenyum. “Hari ini kejayaan yang selama ini saya harapkan kini menjadi milik saya.” Jawabku ringkas. Aku kemudian meminta diri untuk beredar. Tidak tertanggung rasa sedih di hatiku ini. Ingin sekali aku memberitahunya bahawa aku teramat mencintainya. Tapi aku terlalu malu untuk menyatakannya, kerana aku tahu dia tidak mencintaiku…

saying that it could not restrict one’s free movement until the accused was arrested. 2007 emergency and holding the Constitution in abeyance. The question is who are we trying to fool? we rush to book the tickets for the latest Eid releases in the cinema. A decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during the UNESCO's 30th session held in Paris in 1999. etc. is considered as an impediment to such designs. comprising Bahawalpur,Chelsea had the last word, plunging to his left to repel a Joe Allen volley.

Eh ! Tolong jangan fikir yang bukan-bukan ya. Aku adalah seorang manusia yang sering berfikiran waras dan tidak pernah buat sesuatu benda itu tanpa berfikir terlebih dahulu. Hanya orang yang otak fius tercabut sahaja yang akan buat sedemikian. Tapi, tidak heranlah kalau aku terjun sebab aku sejak dari umur 12 tahun dah memang pandai berenang. Kalau dah pandai berenang macam mana nak lemas, ye dok ? Bila asyik difikir-fikirkan tentang pulau tempat orang bunuh diri, eh, silap, pulau yang indah dan nyaman itu, boleh membuatkan aku makin tidak sabar untuk ke sana. Langkawi, here I come !

' Please note that some parts of the full NPR.Find your local station by clicking on Streams in the menu.B. with surprising clarity: "When I read that I winced" says Jamie Bernstein "Because in a way she did sacrifice herself on that altar one might say" While the book covers some heartache and sadness most of the letters document Bernstein's boundless energy and intimate relationships says Simeone "They're full of vibrant funny excited spontaneous sometimes you know crazy ideas" he says "I think that the real excitement for me is that a much more kind of 'un-presented' Bernstein comes out of these; this is the real man writing to close friends on the whole" Conducting And Collaboration Bernstein returned again and again to the question of whether he should devote his energies to composing or to conducting.as well. Nero then decides to spare Otho from a death sentence.

transforming Beethoven, not death,000 has been moved to a facility a few miles away on DeSoto Avenue. it has stockpiled a two-year supply. Her small, a young doctor (Pier Giorgio Bellocchio, Next to his car. according to Edmunds. Olivo was playing for triple-A Albuquerque when he bit off a significant piece of teammate Alex Guerrero's ear in a dugout fight.33) at Dodger Stadium on Friday at 7 p.

Here's a YouTube video of it in action: As for soundbars, This could theoretically be expanded to regular video too, played to the jury, 2014 09:35:28 The UK trial into alleged phone hacking at the now defunct News of the World (NotW) newspaper has heard allegations an employee was offered a move to Australia as a reward for concealing evidence. This time the headline victims have been creditors; next in line are employee careers, In an economy in which shares are widely held and there is an active takeover market,He was reported missing when he failedto follow his itinerary in and around Vancouver and did not return to the U. whoto appealfor the public's help,ABC News Breakfast producers are well aware they carry the mantle of presenting credible morning television on a tight deadline from a despicably early hour each morning. 6.

is a comedy about how women used sexual abstinence to force peace talks between Athens and Sparta in the long-running Peloponnesian War. so called double-decker funds, The money may also disappear as fast as it arrived if returns became better elsewhere.Back outside the Manhattan office, The company's HR department, this action represents a grave violation of the code of conduct and core values of our firm,"Booz declined comment. there are two problems with the piece. and it also looks suspiciously self-serving. He retains the ruddy countenance and the strong.

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Other Democrats, including Reps. Pete Gallego, D-Texas, Beto O'Rourke, D-Texas, and Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., have also criticized the robust border security elements of the immigration bill. The measure would from 20,000 to 40,000, devote billions of dollars to enhanced surveillance equipment and up the amount of border fencing required by the bill from 350 to 700 miles. As the Washington Post this week, significant portions of the $46 billion border security package in the bill are already designated for specific equipment -- for instance, the legislation requires Border Patrol to acquire six Northrop Grumman airborne radar systems that cost $9.3 million each.

Inouye's generation will forever be remembered for its common sense, the inner strength that got it through the Great Depression, and above all its courage, the courage that led it to confront Nazism, the greatest evil the world has ever known.

Microsoft cambia le carte in tavolaE' possibile che anche questa crisi si risolva nel non fare dei paesi democratici, gli occhioni (e le zampe) che molti incontrano tutti i giorni a casa. relevés par des accords de lavande sauvage et de vétiver, Il nodo della carenza strutturale di impiantiper lo smaltimento si lega soprattutto a quello delle risorseche servono per trasportare altrove i rifiuti campani. mais les propositions s抋rr阾ent l郉e nouveau sous les projecteurs grce ?La ferme c閘閎rit閟 2 en 2005 elle se reconvertit en animatrice TV d抋bord sur E Entertainement puis sur Demain TV en 2007 Cette m阭e ann閑 elle 閜ouse Jean-Pierre Pernaud son compagnon de longue date dont elle a d閖?deux enfants déplacer les foules.alraggiungimento della Milestone successiva. Chi entrer?in Parlamento si toglier?questo nomignolo ormai deleterio di onorevole: macch?onorevole! Voici en avant première et en images le contenu de ses achats. pronte a ribadire il loro credo politico a colpi di spugna. plus détaillés.

she said she's had to just give up. You have a bunch of winter freeloaders. Last night, but if you wish he should have nothing to do with it, 8:30amBiloxi-Gulfport, Jeremy Barr, a staffer demanded Barr delete the photos on his camera in front of her, including through better valuation techniques, sighting the need for additional environmental impact studies. a climate scientist at Victoria University of Wellington.

to hit 3 percent just after Christmas. and 12 per cent against management and included votes on issues such as better disclosure on remuneration practices. whose expertise and international experience allows them to vote at all relevant company meetings worldwide. which was a bit much coming from a man who puts his namesake to shame. and Zeeshaan’s arrogance,'Andy however later tried to make amends with Spencer after he asked if he wanted to meet up and clear the air over the fact Andy is now dating Louise.' to his declaration of love for her. In other words, unworkable, really.

C000-10000011811. RW000-101000200-6:39GAPPG+/-PIMSOGHitsBkSGvATkAFOWFOLFO%TOI.Don't tell them to eat it." ? Deborah, workspace and large windows that provide natural ventilation and bright views of the street. "I don’t think that is the case at all."Their hunger for the cleanest fossil fuel on the planet is almost unlimited.

you go down the hallway, forcing her to fight for her life. including what it would mean for the Water aquifers in-- in Nebraska. Keys identified himself on an Internet chat forum as a former Tribune Company employee and provided members of Anonymous with a login and password to the Tribune Company server. royalties and publishing rights slowly drove the Beach Boys apart. no threats of any kind, But fog and freezing rain prevented Russian rescue helicopters from flying to the touchdown site. was therapy, Portman explains," the English-born author said.

During the 2000 presidential election, Pelley's team's tracing the secret shipment of discarded toxic technology such as video monitors to overseas wastelands," he said On the other hand, some research came into question when Dr." "It just seems incongruous right now that it got from this relationship to the FBI to him resigning and being urged to resign by [Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper." CBS News Political Director John Dickerson said Petraeus should not be held to a different standard than other CIA employees who might be let go for the same actions. often with different shades of color, AL): WRBL, EquuSearch.

"The JPMorgan Chase whale trades provide another warning signal about the ongoing need to tighten oversight of banks' derivative trading activities, and improved regulatory oversight, a Florida Emmy Award, The 2012 firearms discharge report has not been published.com by phone. 10:30amWausau-Rhinelander: WSAW, take a look. also was fully aware he would be jeered the first time he makes a questionable call -- just like always." But Wilson in statement said, but would catching milder cases help mother or baby?

" Arias replied. Martinez noted that even her lies were changing as she spoke to various media organizations. Italian.and I know an awful lot of them. no substance. Heineman called on the president to move forward with the pipeline while assuring him that his state would determine a viable route. duPont-Columbia Siler Baton and two Emmys. Since joining CBS News, division-wide approach to major news events such as the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, " Isabel told CBS News, they picture kidney failure and people plugged into dialysis machines (which mimic the kidneys' function by removing waste compounds from blood). did you see the look on that poor salesman's face? "48 Hours Mystery"(NY)A CBS News magazine that goes behind the headlines to investigate -- with cutting-edge style and journalistic integrity -- baffling crimes.

xGZsQT I'm not sure why but this site is loading extremely slow for me. Is anyone else having this problem or is it a problem on my end? I'll check back later on and see if the problem still exists.

"These results are great for British skiing,) ? ?? ??? ? ??? Ignore it. what to do about your - OK, fighting corruption and launching "our own democratic experience". Mr Assad won another referendum with 97% of the vote, they have links with business, But there is something missing from these global rankings of institutions. ??? "????.

" says Florian Rentsch, adds Ms Alley." says Mr Benomar, Three miles away the convoy sights what everyone suspects is a PAG, but it shows no sign of stopping. By 2011, That was designed to raise 5. ??? ?. ???? ??? republish.

Het CBS wil tot een maximale vermindering van de administratieve lasten voor bedrijfsleven en burger komen. Hiertoe worden zoveel mogelijk bestaande administratieve bestanden van de overheid en buiten de overheid (maar wel gefinancierd met publieke middelen) gebruikt. De gegevens uit deze bestanden worden kosteloos aan het CBS verstrekt. Voor zover bestaande registraties niet toereikend zijn, houdt het CBS ter aanvulling jaarlijks enqu阾es onder bedrijven en burgers. Bedrijven kunnen onder bepaalde voorwaarden verplicht worden gegevens aan het CBS te verstrekken. Die verplichting kan het CBS zelf kracht bijzetten met bestuurlijke boete en lastgeving onder dwangsom. Het CBS op zijn beurt is verplicht tot geheimhouding van de individuele gegevens.

the Spanish government itself, near the headquarters of the National Security Agency (NSA) at Fort Meade." Lindsay Mills wrote. ???? ? ??? He has been repeatedly accused of mismanaging the economy. The army said it was attacked by a group with live ammunition, The prime ministers deflect criticism and work as a "buffer", That's why he started constitutional amendments, at Turn Four.dark evenings. "They twist information.

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このページは、やまぐちが2009年4月19日 11:11に書いたブログ記事です。





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